If Exclusive OR (XOR) implementation were a letter A of the alphabet, then handwritten digit classification from MNIST database would…
ReLU as Neural Networks Activation Function
Rectifier linear unit or its more widely known name as ReLU becomes popular for the past several years since its…
Softplus as a Neural Networks Activation Function
Activation unit calculates the net output of a neural cell in neural networks. Backpropagation algorithm multiplies the derivative of the…
Classifying Instances with Weka In Java
Weka is pretty cool tool for small sized ML projects. Previously, we’ve already built a regression model with Weka and…
A Software Engineer’s Guide to Becoming Data Scientist
You might hear that Data Scientist is the sexiest job in 21th century. Moreover, Glassdoor’s recent research reveals that Data…
Transparency in AI
Until now, authorities describe machine learning algorithms based on the learning style which are supervised or unsupervised. Rob Walker brings…
Hello, TensorFlow!
I read a book one day and my whole life was changed. That’s the opening sentence of Orhan Pamuk‘s The…
Becoming the MacGyver of Machine Learning with Neural Networks
You would most probably remember MacGyver if you are a member of generation Y. He is famous for creating materials…
Homer Simpson Guide to Backpropagation
Backpropagation algorithm is based on complex mathematical calculations. That’s why, it is hard to understand and that is the…
How Data Science Once Saved the World
Cholera is a killer epidemic disease and it can cause passing away within hours after first symptons of disease appear.…