We mostly need the power of map reduce of no sql databases when the data becomes really big and massive.…
Deep Face Recognition with mongoDB
Face recognition is mainly based on similarity search on facial embeddings. Researches mostly focus on storing vector representations on memory.…
Feature Importance in Logistic Regression for Machine Learning Interpretability
Feature importance is a common way to make interpretable machine learning models and also explain existing models. That enables to…
Designing Recursive Functions with Python Multiprocessing
Multiprocessing is a must to develop high scalable products. However, python multiprocessing module is mostly problematic when it is compared…
Deep Face Recognition with ArcFace in Keras and Python
ArcFace is developed by the researchers of Imperial College London. It is a module of InsightFace face analysis toolbox. The…
A Gentle Introduction to ROC Curve and AUC in Machine Learning
Model evaluation is very important stage of a machine learning pipeline to understand the robustness. Herein, ROC Curves and AUC…
Large Scale Face Recognition with Elasticsearch
Previously, we have mentioned large scale face recognition with Spotify Annoy, Facebook Faiss and NMSLIB. Those are spectacular but very…
A Day In The Life of a Data Science Chapter Lead
I recently became a data science chapter lead in my organization. It sounds a cool title, right? Firstly, this is…
Facial Landmarks for Face Recognition with Dlib
Dlib can incredibly find 68 different facial landmark points including chin and jaw line, eyebrows, nose, eyes and lips. We…
Face and Background Blurring with OpenCV in Python
Sometimes blurring and anonymizing faces might be required not to recognize identities in the public photos as Google does in…