Data scientists tend to use pandas for data transformation because it is pretty. I witnessed many times that feature engineering…
A Gentle Introduction to Auto-Keras
Finding the correct network structure and hyper-parameters is a totally black box in deep learning. There is no rule or…
Tips and Tricks for GPU and Multiprocessing in TensorFlow
Having a GPU shows the wealth. Today, you should spend thousands of dollars to have a good one. For example,…
Machine Learning meets Blockchain
Solutions come after problems but exceptionally blockchain is a solution looking for its problems. We cannot find a completely solution…
Machine Learning Wars: Deep Learning vs GBM
Machine learning studies have unfortunately bi-polarization. Practitioners mostly adopt either deep learning or gradient boosting machines. They might support these…
Apparent Age and Gender Prediction in Keras
Computer vision researchers of ETH Zurich University (Switzerland) announced a very successful apparent age and gender prediction models. They both…
Twisted Edwards Curves for Digital Signatures
Edwards curves are pivotal ones in crypto field. The normal form Harold Edwards studied was x2 + y2 = c2 +…
A Gentle Introduction to Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA)
Elliptic curves are the most challenging topic in crypto field whereas Edwards curves are the hottest topic among elliptic curves. Elliptic…
A Gentle Introduction to Edwards Curves
In 2007, Harold Edwards introduced a new form for elliptic curves. Thereafter, people interestingly named this form as Edwards Curves. Nowadays,…
A Step by Step Hill Cipher Example
Hill cipher is a kind of a block cipher method. Actually, it was the first one appearing in the history.…