We mostly need the power of map reduce of no sql databases when the data becomes really big and massive. … More
Author: Sefik Serengil
Deep Face Recognition with mongoDB
Face recognition is mainly based on similarity search on facial embeddings. Researches mostly focus on storing vector representations on memory. … More
Feature Importance in Logistic Regression for Machine Learning Interpretability
Feature importance is a common way to make interpretable machine learning models and also explain existing models. That enables to … More
Designing Recursive Functions with Python Multiprocessing
Multiprocessing is a must to develop high scalable products. However, python multiprocessing module is mostly problematic when it is compared … More
Deep Face Recognition with ArcFace in Keras and Python
ArcFace is developed by the researchers of Imperial College London. It is a module of InsightFace face analysis toolbox. The … More
A Gentle Introduction to ROC Curve and AUC in Machine Learning
Model evaluation is very important stage of a machine learning pipeline to understand the robustness. Herein, ROC Curves and AUC … More
Large Scale Face Recognition with Elasticsearch
Previously, we have mentioned large scale face recognition with Spotify Annoy, Facebook Faiss and NMSLIB. Those are spectacular but very … More
A Day In The Life of a Data Science Chapter Lead
I recently became a data science chapter lead in my organization. It sounds a cool title, right? Firstly, this is … More
Facial Landmarks for Face Recognition with Dlib
Dlib can incredibly find 68 different facial landmark points including chin and jaw line, eyebrows, nose, eyes and lips. We … More
Face and Background Blurring with OpenCV in Python
Sometimes blurring and anonymizing faces might be required not to recognize identities in the public photos as Google does in … More