Any number to the power of zero is 1. Meanwhile, zero to the power of any number is 0. Combination…
Normalization for Facial Recognition with MediaPipe
Detection and alignment are important early mandatory stages of a modern facial recognition pipeline. However, face detection depends on extracting…
Virtual Background with Mediapipe
Are you using virtual backgrounds in your online meetings? The answer is probably yes. We can join meetings with such…
Deep Face Detection with Mediapipe
Mediapipe is a Google powered machine learning solution covering face detection task as well. It focuses on live and streaming…
A Gentle Introduction to Student’s T-Test
Guinness is a tasty dark stout beer. It contributed a fundamental tool in science and statistics beyond its taste. In…
Gradient Boosting vs Adaboost
Boosting makes decision trees cool again. Here, gradient boosting and adaboost are the most common boosting techniques for decision tree…
Random Forest vs Gradient Boosting
Tree-based algorithms are very promising in daily data science problems but their some extended adaption makes them so popular nowadays.…
Homomorphic Facial Recognition with TenSEAL
Facial recognition requires high privacy concerns. Blindly use of facial data can cause the stolen of the credentials and lead…
Singleton Design Pattern in Machine Learning
Design patterns are the best practices in a software engineering but they are mostly missing in machine learning studies. Software…
Handling Hang in Python Multiprocessing
Parallelism is a must for a production-driven application. Even though python programming language is pretty, its parallelism module might be…