We’ve focused on the math behind neural networks learning and proof of the backpropagation algorithm. Let’s face it, mathematical background…
The Math Behind Neural Networks Learning with Backpropagation
Neural networks are one of the most powerful machine learning algorithm. However, its background might confuse brains because of complex…
Sigmoid Function as Neural Network Activation Function
Sigmoid function (aka logistic function) is moslty picked up as activation function in neural networks. Because its derivative is easy to demonstrate.…
Introduction to Neural Networks: A Mechanism Taking Lessons From The Past
Neural Networks inspired from human central nervous system. They are based on making mistakes and learning lessons from past errors. They…
Exponential Smoothing: A Forecasting Approach Smoke Pleasure Triggered
Smoothing methods basically generalize the time series functions based on previous examples’ seasonal effects and trends. In this way, these methods…
Image is everything
You might remember the advertisements of Sprite in 90’s. The brand has a motto; image is nothing, thirst is everything,…
Netflix law
Nowadays, Netflix almost takes the place of traditional cable cast especially in United States. The company has 46M subscribers in US, and 79M…
Education Technologies
Even though the content of the course disciplines are advanced, the teaching technology is not advanced as Peter Norvig metioned…
Data Gives Us Superpowers
I enjoy to follow keynotes of Hilary Mason on Data Science. The title of this post is the sentence of her…
How Printers Change Our Lifes: The Past and The Future
Most of people remind printers when they hear about the Xerox. Actually, that would not be incorrect to say a…