Neural networks, particularly Deep Neural Networks or Deep Learning have wide and deep structure. Even though these units provide to solve many non-linear problems, they might cause to fall into overfitting. Overfitting explains learning too much on training data. Memorizing trainin data may you loss your way for unknown examples. Instead of re-designing the network structure, dropping-out would gain victory.
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Applying this technique is very easy task. You need to ignore some units randomly while training the network. You should ignore when you back propagate and feed forward. In this way, you can prevent overfitting. The operation includes both dropping units and their connections. Dropped units can be located in both hidden layer or input / output layer. Additionally, training time reduces dramatically.

Dropout can be applied in Keras easily. You might already apply it several times if you follow this blog. It is enough to mention dropout ratio for layers as demonstrated below. It says that layer would be droped the ratio of 20%.
I will apply dropout to basic XOR example
model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(3 #num of hidden units , input_shape=(len(attributes[0]),))) #num of features in input layer model.add(Activation('sigmoid')) #activation function from input layer to 1st hidden layer model.add(Dropout(0.2)) model.add(Dense(len(labels[0]))) #num of classes in output layer model.add(Activation('softmax')) #activation function from 1st hidden layer to output layer
We can compare loss change for both raw model and dropout applied version.
plt.plot(rawmodel_score.history['loss']) plt.plot(dropout_score.history['loss'])
Even though, drop-out applied model shows instability, it can reduce the loss significantly for some epoch values. On the other hand, raw model cannot get closer.

So, dropout imposes that small is beautiful even for the most complex systems. You should not overrate it but you should consume it. It is basically a regularization technique. Today, most complicated neural networks models such as Inception V3 include droput units.
Bonus: The idea of dropout is firstly by Hinton. You might be familiar with this name if you interested in AI. He is the one who created back-propagation in neural networks and deep neural networks concepts. He is also called as Godfather of AI. This technique draws my attention because of its creator and inventor.
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