A Gentle Introduction to Fermat Euler Theorem

We have been commonly using the Euler’s generalized version of Fermat’s little theorem in RSA encryption algorithm. In this post, we will prove the Fermat-Euler Theorem with number theory.

Euler Banknote


You can continue to read this tutorial or watch the following video. They both cover the proof of Fermat-Euler theorem.

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Alternatively, Fermat’s Little Theorem can be proven by induction.

Fermat’s little theorem

Let’s remember what was the Fermat’s little theorem.

ap – a = 0 mod p

while p is a prime number and a and p pair is coprime. We have already proven this version of Fermat’s little theorem with necklace and induction methods in this blog. We can re-organize this equation.

Firstly, we will move the minus a term from left hand side to right hand side.

ap = a mod p

Thereafter, we can simplify the both sides with dividing to a.

ap-1 = 1 mod p

This form of Fermat’s little theorem looks more like to Euler’s theorem.

Euler’s theorem

Modulus must be a prime number in the definition of Fermat. Euler’s one comes with some modifications and being a prime number is not a must for the modulus. That is why, n variable is commonly used to represent modules in Euler’s theorem instead of p.

aφ(n) = 1 mod n

Besides, totient function φ(n) is used in the power in contrast to Fermat’s one. Totient function counts the positive integer numbers coprime to n. We already know that it would be n-1 while n is a prime number.

Totient function

This theorem is also called as Euler’s Totient Theorem.

As mentioned, totient function counts positive integers that coprime to n. For example, numbers that coprime to 9 are {1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8}. So, φ(9) = 6.

This can be found with python programming language with the totient function. Notice that time complexity of that function is O(n) in the big O notation. This becomes problematic for very large values.

def gcd(p,q):
    while q != 0:
        p, q = q, p%q
    return p

def totient(n):
   coprimes = 0
   for i in range(1, n): # [1, n)
      if gcd(n, i) == 1:
         coprimes += 1
   return coprimes

But totient function comes with some advantages. It is a multiplicative function. If you can represent the value n as multiplication of two integers that coprime to each other, then you can multiply the totient of the multipliers.

φ(pxq) = φ(p)xφ(q)

In the case p and q are both prime numbers, then they will be coprime to each other. Precondition of this property is satisfied. Also, totient value of a prime number p must be p-1.

φ(pxq) = φ(p)xφ(q) = (p-1)(q-1) if p and q are prime number

That is why, module n is the multiplication of two primes in RSA cryptosystem. In that way, you can find the totient n with O(1) instead of O(n).


Euler’s theorem states

aφ(n) = 1 mod n

while a is any integer not divisible by n. In other words, a and n are coprime.

Suppose that numbers coprime to n are stored in set S.

S = {x1, x2, …, xφ}

So, the length of set S is φ(n).

Let’s create a new set by multiplying all items of set S with a.

T = {ax1, ax2, …, axφ}

We already know that all x items in the set S must be less than n.

0 <= xi < n

On the other hand, the multiplication of a and x values in the set T would be greater than n. Finding the mod n values of all items in the set T makes all items less than n as well. That is why, let’s create a new set with finding the mod n of each item in set T.

K = {ax1 mod n, ax2 mod n, …, axφ mod n}

Besides, we know that a and xi values are both coprime to n. So, its multiplications will be coprime to n. Herein, numbers that coprime to n are already stored in the set S! So, items of set K must have 1-to-1 relationship with items of set S.


We can express this in the programming literature as: ax1 mod n in [x1, x2, …, xφ] && ax1 mod n in [x1, x2, …, xφ] && .. && axφ mod n in [x1, x2, …, xφ]

We exactly do not know the relationships but e.g. if (ax1 mod n) is equal to x2, then no other items in the set K should be connected to x2. Let’s represent the results which i, j, k variables.

xi = ax1 mod n

xj = ax2 mod n

xk = axφ mod n

We know that xi, xj, … xk items must be a member of set S. And all items in the set S must be covered with a value from set K. So, if I multiply all item in the left hand side, it would be the multiplication of all items in the set S.

Let’s multiply all equations and create just one equation. I need to multiply them values in the left hand side to each other, and right hand side to each other.

x1 x2 … xφ = ax1 mod n ax2 mod n … axφ mod n

We know that there are φ(n) items in the set S, T and K. So, there are φ(n) different a items available in the right hand side.

x1 x2 … xφ = aφ(n) (x1 x2 … xφ) mod n

We can simplify the x terms in the both side of the equation.

1 = aφ(n) mod n

So, we can prove the Euler’s theorem! This is the backbone of RSA algorithm as is. The algorithm expects you to pick two large primes p and q, then find n=pxq and φ(n)=φ(pxq)=φ(p)xφ(q)=(p-1)(q-1).

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