Michael Connaughton: AI Strategy
- Data gives us feedback, and feedback gives us progress
- Why now? Because everything is connected. IOT, Cloud and Big Data.
Samina Rizwan: Rise of ML
- In 2016, our expectations are that 100% of customers would move to cloud. In 2018, expectations are changing. Now, we think that cloud and new technologies (Blockchain, AI and IOT) will accelerate the next disruption.
- Cloud provides democratization for AI and algorithms!
- Highlighting Geoffrey Moore’s quote. AI is from Venus, ML is from Mars. This metaphor is really interesting. The question is that is Mars or Venus closer to the Earth? Actually, the answer is that it depends on time. Even though, these two planets are closest neighbors of Earth, they orbits around the sun move at different speed. But she intend to define ML as more scale-able. AI seeks to understand the world whereas ML just seeks to simulate it.

- We also define adaptive intelligence where ML meets AI.
Hale Korkmaz: Age of Intelligence Revolution
- MIT AI lab founded in 1959. We just put it on our agenda
- Robots are alive. They even have a citizenship
- New data sources, computing paradigm and AI reveal data lakes
- No matter the structure of data source anymore
- Runnable on any kind of workflow (batch or real time)
Pelin Ozbozkurt: AI Age
- In 1950, we argue that can machines think argument raised by Turing. In 1980, the arguments is transformed to can machines understand. This is Chinese Room Argument raised by John Searle. Now, we argue that can machines think and understand like human

- Data feeds AI, and AI produces data. Produced data feeds AI again. That is a infinite loop.
- Short term economic value will come from Deep Learning.
- We have been talking fraud detection is almost 20 years. But now, we can do it better. This is like Einstein’s memory. A student asks Einstein that aren’t these the same questions as last year’s psychics exam and Einstein responds him that yes but this year answers are different. The question might be still fraud detection but answer is different. Answer was random forest for yesterday, but today answer is absolutely deep learning.

- Previously, AI enabled process begins with human and ends with ML. Now, it should begin with ML, and end with human. In this way, biases behaviors would be minimized.
Kubra Fenerci & Kivanc Guler: Miracles in Cloud
- Traditional approaches are rule based whereas innovational approaches are bots driven.
- No UI is the best UI. We would handle this with chatbots only.

At the end of the summit, my colleagues have taken a souvenir photo in front of the oracle board. As seen, everybody leaves satisfied from the event.
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